Vaguely interesting (Dec 30)

(1)  “Spousal resemblance on educational attainment was very high in the early twentieth century, declined to an all-time low for young couples in the early 1950s, and has increased steadily since then.”

(2)  “This year will go down in the record books as one of the safest for police officers in recorded history.”

(3)  “There’s more money to be made investing in drugs that will extend cancer patients’ lives by a few months than in drugs that would prevent cancer in the first place.”

(4)  Women with graduate degrees are now having more children than women with bachelor’s degrees.

(5)  “But as whites become less numerous, appealing to white voters as such becomes a more viable political strategy.”

Vaguely interesting (Dec 16)

(1)  “The candidates’ positions on individual issues like these is what voters examine, not candidates’ left-right ideology or whether candidates simply break with their party at all.”

(2)  “John Jordan now supports Republican candidates through his own super-pac, which applies the lessons he’s learned from winemaking.”

(3)  “52 percent of the benefit [of the mortgage interest deduction] goes to the richest 10 percent of Americans, and only 0.1 percent of the benefit goes to the poorest 20 percent.”

(4)  When fact-checked, statements by Bernie, Hillary, and Jeb are more often true, while statements by Carson, Trump, and Cruz are mostly false.

(5)  Racial discrimination in the internet economy: First, on eBay, baseball cards shown being held by black hands sell for 20% less than the same cards shown being held by white hands. Second, on Airbnb, offers from people with black-sounding names are about 20% less likely to be accepted than offers from people with white-sounding names.

Vaguely interesting (Dec 9)

(1)  Large-scale patterns are amalgams of complex small-scale patterns: The case of the recent decline in unintended pregnancies.

(2)  “[W]hen you give people money, they aren’t poor anymore.”

(3)  “[T]he level of food assistance we give families — the average family of three gets $374 a month — isn’t enough for a month’s worth of meals.”

(4)  It’s slowly sinking in with some educated elites that lots of less-educated people are in favor of discrimination. Indeed, there are reasonable arguments that many polls underestimate support for discrimination. (But, of course, some educated elites remain in near-total denial.)

(5)  “[Obama] believes that powerful, structural forces will lead liberal democracies to triumph over their foes—so long as these democracies don’t do stupid things like persecuting Muslims at home or invading Muslim lands abroad.”

Vaguely interesting (Dec 7)

(1)  What’s the chance of a first marriage lasting 20 years? 78% for women with bachelor’s degrees, but only 40% for women who never went to college.

(2)  “More schooling has certain kinds of real benefits to society, but it hasn’t moved the needle on poverty historically, and there’s no reason to think it will in the future.”

(3)  “Segregation in Europe is reaching U.S. levels.”

(4)  Low-education Republicans are supporting Trump because of his very conservative views on immigration.

(5)  But, at the same time, Republicans with lower socioeconomic status are much more liberal on economic issues than Republicans with higher socioeconomic status.