Vaguely interesting (Oct 25)

(1)  The genetics of disgust sensitivity.

(2)  “[S]egregated municipalities are more politically polarized and spend less on a wide range of public goods.”

(3)  “Liberals are higher in complexity on some topics, but conservatives are higher on others.”

(4)  Over the last decade, Americans have been killing each other with guns a bit less, but killing themselves with guns a bit more.

(5)  For Americans born in the 1950s and 1960s, men and women were about equally likely to get college degrees. Since then, women have increasingly outpaced men.

Vaguely interesting (Oct 18)

(1)  “By providing an ideological anchor to candidate evaluations, polarization produces a reliable base of party support that is less responsive to short-term forces.”

(2) “[T]here is little evidence that the ACA has … led to an increase in part-time employment.”

(3)  Before Dodd-Frank, hedge fund donations favored Democrats by over 2 to 1; after Dodd-Frank, hedge fund donations favored Republicans by over 2 to 1.

(4)  “Nearly one-third of the world’s young adults are not participating in the labor force nor in any educational or vocational program.”

(5)  “Over the past 50 years, however, the parties have sorted so that now most liberals are Democrats, and most conservatives are Republicans. The result is much more homogeneous parties, even though the ideology of the public as a whole has not changed very much.”

Vaguely interesting (Oct 13)

(1)  In the 1980s and 1990s, Americans took around 20 vacation days a year, but now it’s only 16.

(2)  “Part of the dilemma faced by the reformers of the ‘70s and today may well be the propensity for parties—as they grow into a majority—to develop factions that battle each other and, eventually, promote fragmentation.”

(3)  From the late 1970s to the late 1990s, the U.S. incarceration rate grew to (and has stayed) 4 times higher than the historical norm.

(4)  “Just 158 families have provided nearly half of the early money for efforts to capture the White House.”

(5)  “[A]s polls become a more and more important element of political journalism, established and (generally) reliable pollsters … are exiting the field and leaving an ever-less-reliable picture.”

Vaguely interesting (Oct 8)

(1)  Looks like Political Psychology wants to be The Onion.

(2)  Exploring some of the mechanics of employment discrimination.

(3)  “[A]doptive children in kindergarten and first grade display above-average levels of problem behavior, exhibit below-average levels of positive learning attitudes, and score below average on reading and math assessments, despite their advantaged family background.”

(4)  “The gulf between the two parties on socially fraught issues like abortion, immigration, same-sex marriage and voting rights remains vast. On economic issues, however, the Democratic Party has inched closer to the policy positions of conservatives, stepping back from championing the needs of working men and women, of the unemployed and of the so-called underclass.”

(5)  The more you know, the more you think Congress is doing a bad job.

Vaguely interesting (Oct 6)

(1)  “[B]orrowing shields the public from the direct costs of war and in turn reduces opposition to it.”

(2)  “Supreme Court justices get more liberal as they get older.”

(3)  Recycling ordinary trash makes little practical sense. (The author analogizes recycling with religion; but that’s unfair to religion, which in fact does have practical functions that go beyond just feeling good about oneself.)

(4)  “Alabama, which eagerly joined in the recent push to require voters to provide state-issued identification to cast a ballot — a.k.a. Voter ID — will close 31 state driver’s license offices, leaving the residents of 28 out of 67 counties without a place to obtain the most common form of ID. The counties most deeply and directly affected are those with populations so overwhelmingly black that in Alabama, they have long been referred to as the ‘black belt.’”

(5)  What does probability mean?

Vaguely interesting (Oct 3)

(1)  “Is there a shortage of marriageable men?”

(2)  “At any given poverty level, districts that have a higher proportion of white students get substantially higher funding than districts that have more minority students.”

(3)  The U.S. has 4.4% of the world’s people and 42% of the world’s civilian-owned guns.

(4)  “Seven out of every eight immigrants in 1960 were from Europe; by 2010, nine out of ten were coming from other parts of the world.”

(5)  “[O]verall violent crime rates fell again in 2014, reaching their lowest level in at least 20 years.”